The Hill-RBF Calculator
available exclusively on Lenstar devices
Beginning in August, the Lenstar LS 900 Pro and Lenstar LS 900 Pro with APS will be the only devices to bring you the Hill-RBF Calculator onboard via EyeSuite…Free. This latest approach in IOL calculation involves pattern recognition, data Interpolation and a validating boundary model, that improves accuracy and confidence with IOL power prediction.
Barret & Olsen Formulas
Measured lens thickness and two of the latest generation multivariable IOL formulas allow for premium IOL power prediction with the LENSTAR.
T-Cone Toric Platform
The optional t-cone complements LENSTAR’s measurement pallet with true Placido topography of the central cornea and a powerful surgical planner using the Barrett toric calculator.
EyeSuite IOL Toric Planner
The optional IOL toric planner allows optimisation of the incision location and planning of the surgery on real eye images to reach advanced refractive results.